Multiplanetary Citizen


Imagine a time before airplanes. If you were a traveler of distant lands, it meant you were also a sailor by necessity as there were no other options. We're about to live through the space industry becoming very much like the airline industry. Shrinking the globe a little, and the solar system a great deal. We don't know it or realize it yet, but we're already all multiplanetary citizens. We didn't know it before we first flew. And it became so commonplace that there isn't even a word or phrase that means multi flight destination citizen. 

We've had space stations and set foot on the moon.

What will come next:

  • Public intercontinental rocket travel.
  • A base on the moon.
  • First setting foot on mars.
  • A space station at a Lagrange point.
  • A space station with centrifugal gravity.
  • A base on Mars.  
  • A space station orbiting the moon or mars or the sun.
  • Asteroid mining
  • Moon or mars mining.
Airplane flight is so common today. It's hard to even imagine life prior to the advent of air travel. I suspect that space travel will fit us just as nicely. Soon it'll be difficult to imagine what it was like before space flight became so common that we have more multiplanetary citizens than not. The spacer community calls to us from the future. You can hear it in every rocket launch and equipment test. Our future yearns for us to join it.