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Welcome back, fellow food adventurers! Today, we're diving into the rustic world of Cassoulet, a dish that turned out to be as much a learning experience as it was a meal.

So, I embarked on this journey with frozen chicken – lots of it. I may have gone a bit overboard with an entire pack of boneless chicken thighs, but who's counting? Spoiler alert: there weren't heaps of leftovers, so maybe my chicken intuition was spot on.

Now, let's talk about the squash saga. Cutting squash isn't in my usual repertoire, so thank goodness for how-to videos! The mission: peel and cube. The result: an abundance of squash. The recipe said a cup, but honestly, I could've thrown in the whole lot, which was about two, maybe two and a half cups.

Here's a fun twist: the recipe mentioned transferring the chicken, sausage, and beans to the serving plate. But what about our dear friend, Mr. Squash? I assumed he was invited to the plate party too, leaving the broth to its own devices.

The verdict? I indulged in two bowls of this hearty concoction. As a self-proclaimed squash skeptic, I was pleasantly surprised. It was the tablespoon of spices that really brought it home, transforming the dish into something I'd actually crave.

So, where does this Cassoulet adventure land on my rating scale? I'm dishing out a hearty two thumbs up. 

From Lose Weight with your instant pot by Audrey Johns ISBN 978-0-06-287455-9

Chapter 4 - One-Pot Dinners Page 41